The Microskills of Clinical Teaching & Learning

About this Workshop

Teaching medical students doesn't need to take a lot of time. This workshop introduces residents to the 5(+2) microskills used for teaching medical students efficiently, effectively, and quickly after they have seen a patient.

Workshop Objectives

  • Describe characteristics of effective clinical teachers
  • Identify, analyze and practice effective clinical teaching, using the One Minute Preceptor

Facilitator's Guide


  • Optimum number of learners: 5-10
  • Approximate runtime: 1hour - 2hours (depending on use of videos)
  • AV requirements: speakers


Slide #2 Workshop Objectives
Slide #3 Rationale for Residents as Teachers
Slide #4-11 The Clerkship
Slide #12-13 The Student
Slides #14-24 The Resident
Slide #25 Acknowledgements

Workshop Materials

PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching in the Clinical Setting: Microskills in Teaching | Presentation Notes


Microskill 1 Bad | Microskill 1 Good Microskill 1 Bad | Microskill 1 Good
Microskill 2 Bad | Microskill 2 Good Microskill 2 Bad | Microskill 2 Good
Microskill 3 Bad | Microskill 3 Good Microskill 3 Bad | Microskill 3 Good
Microskill 4 & 5 Bad | Microskill 4 & 5 Good Microskill 4 & 5 Bad | Microskill 4 & 5 Good
Microskill 6 & 7 Bad | Microskill 6 & 7 Good Microskill 6 & 7 Bad | Microskill 6 & 7 Good


  • Irby, DM. Ramsey P, Gillmore J, Schad D. Characteristics of effective clinical teachers of ambulatory care medicine. Acad Med, 1991:66:54-55.
  • Irby, DM. What clinical teachers in medicine need to know. Acad Med 1994;69:333-342.
  • Irby, D. (1997, February). The One-Minute Preceptor. First presented at the annual Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral meeting, Orlando, FL.

Events Log

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